I discover in myself the intimate and challenging need to keep in constant evolution and learning, betting that the only thing that is permanent is change, growth, transformation. I make mine the phrase attributed to Vincent Van Gogh and repeat boldly “What would life be if we did not have the courage to try something new?” … and in that context I jump into the creative process, always changing, always in evolution, always liberating.
In my artistic production I have explored various themes, highlighting the theme ‘Woman’ as a reflexive and exploratory act, seeking to break paradigms and redefine the value of femininity, the active role of women in today’s society and the parameters that define beauty in my environment. I openly rebel against the definition of beauty that celebrates the Caucasian in detriment of the beautiful mix of races prevalent in my tropical country. Also within the subject of women, I explore my contemporary woman, the middle-aged, she who enters the end of her summer to enjoy her liberating and fresh autumn, of beautiful and varied shades, with so many responsibilities and burdens, but yet with so many yearnings and unachieved goals and dreams. I enter in this realm in the hope and illusion of a promising future, the rupture of pre-established schemes, preconceived labels and contextual ties from a closed and ultra-conservative environment that often squeezes and chokes me, trying to prevent me from flying and reaching new horizons.
In this process of constant search, change and evolution I have also explored varied themes for the sole purpose of exploring textures and materials, techniques and processes … always looking to define my own path and my own creative process, without labels, in total freedom.
More recently, I have explored the landscape of the outskirts of the city and the fields filled by shacks, embodying two bold illusions of my own: first, a dignified poverty, not full of misery, and second, a life of lost neighborhoods where neighbors were known, appreciated and valued in the life of the people in their surroundings. This first illusion presents neighborhoods that, although of little means and economically poor, are clean, cared for, worthy, livable …so different from what I see nearby. My second illusion appeals to a lived past that I was not able to offer my beloved children: a familiar, friendly environment, full of affection and empathy, where the neighbor is familiar and close, where there is safety in playing in the streets, where playful exploration and sincere friendship among children is possible, as well as their innocence. And to this new body of works I call with nostalgia: ‘Going Back Home’.